Tutorial Seeing Assistant Move


Using the application


Databases of points

Adding OSM databases

Acquiring and importing text databases

Selecting databases

Searching through databases


Automatic routes

Custom routes

Route visualization


Where am I?

GPS information

Find address

Show neighborhood

The nearest OpenStreetMap points

Exploration mode

Show on map

Simulate location


Creating points

Managing points

Editing points

Favorite points

Navigating to the point

Navigation messages

Route navigation

Tracked points

Turn-by-turn navigation

Screen lock

Screen orientation lock

Pop-up messages

Cloud backup

Speech synthesis

Voice commands

List of voice commands

Sharing points

Units of distance and temperature

User Support

Lite version constraints



Seeing Assistant Move is created for people with visual impairment to assist them with pedestrian navigation.

This application allows its users to know their current position, including street address, to get information about immediate area (Open Street Map), to manage their own points, manage routes, create automatic routes and navigate to the chosen point or along selected route, and to share newly created data with other users.

The most notable innovation in Seeing Assistant Move is the ability to control the program with voice commands. A visually impaired person can reach his or her destination quickly, easily and safely.

Using the application

Seeing Assistant Move interface consists of four screens: Home, Points, More and Settings. To switch between those screens you need to use tabs, located at the bottom of the screen. You can either use on-screen keyboard or voice to enter the text, in all places you need to provide some text. To enter the text using your voice use “Dictate” button, located on the right-hand side, just above the on-screen keyboard. All gesture descriptions apply only to iOS system with VoiceOver turned on.

Seeing Assistant Move does not include speech synthesis. If you want to use Seeing Assistant Move in voice mode you need to have a VoiceOver or Zoom in your iOS device. You can use “Repeat messages” button placed in the top left-hand corner of the screen, to replay any message you had troubles understanding.

The application in full version has a limit – 40 speech recognition requests per day.


Seeing Assistant Move allows you to check the weather conditions in your current localization. By choosing option “Weather” from the “More” screen, you will get the current weather conditions and a forecast for the next two days. You will also be informed about the lowest and the highest temperature, the expected overcast, strength and direction of the wind. The weather data is provided by OpenWeatherMap.

You need working Internet connection to use “Weather” function.

Databases of points

You can use both points from external sources and user-generated points in Seeing Assistant Move. You can import points from Loadstone GPS program, OpenStreetMap project or Google Maps.

Seeing Assistant Move contains by default a few databases with POI (Points Of Interest) the key localizations from Europe’s main capitals.

Adding OSM databases

Move Application allows for downloading databases with points from selected countries. Those databases were created in OpenStreetMap project and shared via service at http://download.geofabrik.de/Geofabrik GmbH and OpenStreetMap Contributors, ODbL license).

In order to download database of selected country you need to choose option “Databases list” from the “Points” screen, then use the button “Actions” to choose “Download database”. An available list of databases with continents and countries will be displayed ready to be downloaded.

Downloading will start by double-tapping on the desired position. When the download is completed, database will be available in “Databases list”.

Acquiring and importing databases

You can find databases with points on various websites. UMP project is used by Loadstone users and contains points for various regions of Poland. Seeing Assistant Move allows for importing text databases prepared in this project (text databases).

There are also binary databases prepared especially for Seeing Assistant Move available at: Seeing Assistant Move databases. The method of adding these binary databases to the application using Dropbox service is described in the section “Sharing Points”.

Text databases can be added to Seeing Assistant Move in many ways:

– using iTunes application,

– using Dropbox service,

– by e-mail,

– downloading from the website.

Option one – import text database using iTunes:

  1. Connect your iOS device to the computer.
  2. Start iTunes application.
  3. Select your device in iTunes, and choose “Programs” option.
  4. Select Seeing Assistant Move from the list of programs able to transfer data between device and computer.
  5. Select button “Add”. It will allow for selecting files from disk to transfer to Seeing Assistant Move.
  6. Select “Apply” to synchronize device with iTunes, transferring selected files to the device.
  7. Transferred files will be shown in the database list after you run Seeing Assistant Move again.

Option two – import text database using Dropbox:

  1. Connect the application to the Dropbox service as described in the section “Cloud backup”.
  2. Paste database file in Dropbox account into the folder Dropbox/Apps/SeeingAssistant-Move/import.
  3. Using Seeing Assistant Move choose option “Settings/Dropbox/Import text databases”.
  4. In the list of files select database file, which was loaded earlier and use the button “Download”.
  5. The file will be downloaded and available in database list “Points/Databases list”.

Option three (only for .zip and .ldb files):

  1. Start web application and open e-mail message with the attachment that is in proper format.
  2. Double tap in the attachment at the end of the e-mail.
  3. Double tap “Send” button in the upper right-hand corner of the screen.
  4. From the list of available applications select Seeing Assistant Move.
  5. Database will be added to application and will be available in “Databases list” in “Points” tab.

Option four (only for .zip and .ldb files):

  1. Go to website with text databases e.g. text databases
  2. Double tap selected database.
  3. Choose “Open with…”.
  4. From presented list choose “Open in Seeing Assistant Move”.
  5. Change or accept the name of the database.
  6. Database will be added to application and will be available in “Databases list” in “Points” tab.

Supported formats of text databases are:

– XML OSM – file format of the OpenStreetMap project

– LSDB – file format of the Loadstone application

– KML – file format used in Google Earth, Google Maps

– KMZ – zipped KML file

Application allows an import of text files in Loadstone and OpenStreetMap formats archived in zip format.

Warning: Transferred databases should have a text format!

Selecting databases

Choose “Points” screen using the tab button located at the bottom of the screen, and then choose option “Databases list” to get the list of available databases. You can then select databases to enable or disable them, or to delete database from the application.

Additionally, you can change the name of selected database, choosing “Rename” from actions menu. New name can be dictated or entered with on-screen keyboard.

Searching through databases

Choose “Home” screen using the tab button on the bottom of the screen and choose “Find in databases” to look for points in the active database. In the window that appears on the screen type words you want to find. You can enter multiple words; program will look for all of them, but they do not need to be in the order you entered them to be found. You can either use on-screen keyboard or voice to enter searched phrase. Use “Dictate” button, located on the right-hand side, just above the on-screen keyboard to enter the text using your voice. You will either get the list of points matching the given criteria or information that no point was found. Seeing Assistant Move seeks for points from the active database in a limited radius. You can change the search radius on the screen Settings using option “Finding radius”.


Seeing Assistant Move allows for creation of two kinds of routes. Automatic routes are created by tracing your movement. User routes are based only on points from the available databases and created locations.

Automatic routes

Choose “Points” screen using the tab button on the bottom of the screen and choose “Record route” to create automatic route. You will be asked to give the name of the newly created route. Otherwise, the current date and time will serve as a default name. You can enter a new name using either on-screen keyboard to write the name, or press “Dictate” button to dictate the name. Seeing Assistant Move will start registering new route after you tap “Ready” button at the bottom of the screen. You will receive a message about the beginning of registering a new automatic route. You can stop registering automatic route by using option “Finish recording route” on tab “Points”. The following points in the automatic route are created in a specific time interval. You can choose that time interval using option “Recording interval” on screen “Settings”. You can also add points to your current location by shaking the device.

You can edit automatic routes and add new points to them from any databases. Editing and adding new points is managed similarly to routes actions/proceedings.

Warning! Automatic route points will be recorded every 50m unless you choose another recording interval.

Custom routes

Choose “Points” screen using tab button at the bottom of the screen and then select option “Routes list”. Use button the “Actions” to access action “New route”. You will be asked the name of a new route; you can enter this name using on-screen keyboard or with voice using “Dictate” button.

You can add points to the route from any list showing points: database search, neighborhood, nearest Open Street Map, favorite points, saved points, and so on. Select any points you want to add to the route, then choose the button “Actions” and select action “Add to route”. You will be asked to which route you want to add selected points; then just choose the route and select the button “Ready” to add selected points to the chosen route.

You can edit custom routes. Choose the route you want to edit on the list of routes, and then use the button “Actions” to select action “Edit route”. You can delete points from the edited route, change their order, and edit the name of each point.

You can import Loadstone route (Control points) to Seeing Assistant Move. You can import it by using e-mail (see the attachment) or directly from the website (see “Acquiring and importing databases”). Text file with checkpoints should have CKP extension. After importing, the file will be available as another user’s route.


Every route, automatic or customed, can be visualized on a native iOS system map. To do so, after selecting a route, you have to choose “Show on map” from actions menu. Map of selected route with pinned points connected in one line will be displayed. In order to wrap the map just tap “Back” in the left-hand top corner of the screen.

Seeing Assistant Move allows you to find out your current location. It allows managing – creating, deleting and editing your own points, using imported databases, routing to chosen point, navigating along the created routes and sharing points with other users. You can use Seeing Assistant Move to “look around” and find out where exactly are the locations that you point your device at, using local databases and Open Street Map. Seeing Assistant Move can inform you that you are near the one of your “favorite” points, even if it is turned off.

Where am I?

You will get the information about your location when you choose “Where am I?” button from the “Home” screen. You will get the street address, post code, city and country name. Seeing Assistant Move uses Internet databases to retrieve that information hence some information might be missing for less urbanized areas, e.g. you will get only the city name or a postcode.

You need working Internet connection to use “Where am I?” function.

GPS information

You will get GPS signal accuracy, your speed, direction you are going to and altitude above the sea level when you choose “GPS Info” from the “Home” screen. GPS accuracy depends on the weather, time of the day, and surrounding buildings; accuracy of 10m indicates a good signal quality.

Find address

Seeing Assistant Move does not have to use only the imported databases. You can search for any address.

To find the address you need to choose “Find Address” button from the “Home” screen. You will be asked to enter the address you are looking for. You can enter the address using either on-screen keyboard to write it, or “Dictate” button to dictate it. If the location was found, you will be able to edit the name, save it, track it or both.

You need working Internet connection to use “Find address” function.

Show neighborhood

You can get the list of points in your surroundings by using “Show neighborhood” option from the “Home” screen. Seeing Assistant Move uses active database to look for points in your neighborhood.

Application displays points that are closer to you than selected neighborhood radius. You can change this radius using option “Neighborhood radius” from the “Settings” screen. You can use the button “Refresh”, located on the top of the screen, to refresh presented points, for example; if you move and want to discover surrounding points in the new location.

The nearest OpenStreetMap points

You can check the nearest OpenStreetMap locations by using “Nearest OpenStreetMap points” option from the “Home” screen. You can refresh the list of points with “Refresh” button at the top. The radius of search is 1 to 1,4 kilometers. These points are retrieved from OpenStreetMap source (OpenStreetMap Contributors, ODbL licence).

You need working Internet connection to use “Nearest OpenStreetMap points” function.

Exploration mode

You can switch to the Exploration Mode when you are exploring neighborhood points – just shake your device. Then hold your device horizontally and turn around. You will be informed which points your device is pointing at. Seeing Assistant Move uses a magnetic compass to precisely detect orientation and conveys this information using clock hours. Shake the device again to leave exploration mode.

You can also enable and disable Exploration Mode using the button “Actions” and selecting action “Exploration yes” or “Exploration no”. Exploration mode shows the points in a settled radius that can be changed by using “Neighborhood radius” option from the “Settings” screen.

Show on map

In addition to the exploration mode that acts on the basis of points stored in the database and in the “Nearest OpenStreetMap points”, Seeing Assistant Move provides the opportunity to get familiarized with the surroundings of the selected point on virtual maps (maps readable by VoiceOver are available on iOS 6 or later version). You can show the map image by indicating the desired point, choosing “Actions” and finally choosing “Show on map” from the list. By moving your finger across the screen, you will be informed of what is in the immediate vicinity of the selected point. You can follow the streets and browse the important places in the area. You can move the map with three fingers in any direction, and change the size of the area being explored with the knob using the zoom options.

You need working Internet connection to use “Show on map” function.

Simulate location

Seeing Assistant Move allows you to simulate your location. Using this function you are able to familiarize yourself with immediate area of any chosen place. You can use “Show neighborhood”, “Nearest OpenStreetMap points” and “Show on map” with simulated location. Those functions will work as if you were in the simulated location.

To enable this function you need to use “Simulate location” from “Actions” menu after selecting one point in “Favorite points” and “Saved points” from “Points” screen or “Find in databases” from “Home” screen. In case of specific address search, having found it just tap displayed on screen button “Simulate location”.

To disable the action of simulating location you can choose “Stop simulating location” from “Actions” menu from the same screens. Additionally, you can stop simulating location using Voice Commands. Changing simulated location does not require turning off the last simulated location.


Monitoring is an option, which allows Seeing Assistant Move user to be informed about passed by locations.

To enable Monitoring you need to tap “Monitoring” button on the left-hand upper corner of the “Home” tab. To disable it you just have to tap again the same button.

Parameters such as; the type of announced locations; monitoring interval and monitoring radius can be set individually in the “Settings” tab, and then in “Monitoring” options.

Creating points

Seeing Assistant Move allows you to create new points using your current location, for example in case you want to return to a given place later on. To create the point select screen “Home” using tab button at the bottom of the screen and choose option “Save current location”. You will be asked to give the name of the newly created point. Seeing Assistant Move fills in the name of the created point using geo-location information from the Internet. You can use on-screen keyboard or your voice, using button “Dictate”, to change the proposed name of the new point.

The new point is saved according to location of your device at the time you tapped the button “Save current location”. All points are saved in a separate database called privatedb.sql; you can backup this database using Dropbox.

You need working Internet connection to create points using your current location.

Managing points

All localizations, both those created by the user as well as and those from other sources, can be saved in separate databases, e.g., hotels, bus stops, restaurants, etc. To do so, after selecting a desired point from the list tap “Action” button and choose “Add to database” option. If the selected localization are is intended to be the first point of the new database, in the next step you have to choose “Add database”, and then enter the name of the database.

In this way databases can be grouped thematically, allowing to be effectively used by “Monitoring” option later on.

Editing points

Both points created by the user and those found in databases can be edited. To do so, after selecting a localization from the list of points (“Show neighborhood”, “Find in databases”, “Favorite points”, “Saved points”) use “Actions” button, and then select “Edit point” option.

During the edition of the point you can enter any text using either on-screen keyboard or voice, tapping button “Dictate”.

You can refresh address information of entered coordinates choosing “Match the nearest address”. Using “Update coordinates” you can update coordinates to your current location coordinates. Manual editing of coordinates is also possible.

Favorite points

You can add any points (either created by you or from databases) to the list of Favorite points. You can use the list of Favorite points to quickly access chosen points, for example to instantly start navigation to one of those points. You can access a list of favorite points by choosing option “Favorite points” on the “Points” tab.

To add any localization to the list of favorite points you need to select the chosen point from any list of the points (search result, neighborhood, database, Open Street Map), and choose the button “Actions” and choose action “Add to favorites”.

Navigating to the point

You can use Seeing Assistant Move to help you to get to the selected point. Seeing Assistant Move will inform you about the direction and distance from selected target while you move.

To inform Seeing Assistant Move about the point you want to navigate to, select the point from any list of points (search results, neighborhood, route, database, Open Street Map), then choose the button “Actions” and use action “Add to track”. Seeing Assistant Move will start navigating to the selected point.

Once you start navigating, the application will also allow tracking the direction to the nearest selected point. Use the option “Tracked points” from “Home” tab to see the list of tracked points. You will receive vibrations when the device is placed in a horizontal position, and the edge of the screen where the screen lock is, will indicate the direction to the tracked point.

Navigation messages

Seeing Assistant Move can inform you about your location relative to the tracked point. Application gives messages about the distance and direction to the tracked point, with frequency depending on the selected time that has passed or selected distance covered.

Use option “Announcement interval” or “Announcement distance” from screen “Settings” to change frequency of messages, either as amount of time that must pass, or distance that has to be covered.

In the same place, there is an option “Alarm radius”, that allows to set distance in which Seeing Assistant Move will inform you about moving closer to the tracked point.

Similarly placed option “Announce directions”, allows choosing how directions will be announced, both when in motion and when motionless.

You can also get information about your location by using the button “Force announcement” at the top of the screen. It will inform about the distance and direction from tracked point every time it is pressed, independently of covered distance. You can use button “Repeat announcements” in the top left-hand corner of the screen to repeat the last message if you had troubles understanding it.

You can change the type of notifications using option “Notifications” on screen “Settings”. You can enable and disable the usage of vibrations, additional sounds, and enable or disable all notifications.

Route navigation

You can use Seeing Assistant Move to follow a particular route. Seeing Assistant Move will inform you about the direction to and distance from the nearest point of that route.

Use option “Routes list” from the screen “Points” to get the list of all available routes. Select route you want to follow and use the button “Track route” to start route navigation.

Seeing Assistant Move adds automatic routes with points in reverse order. This allows you to return to the point you started registering that route.

Tracked Points

Use option “Tracked points” from “Home” screen to see the list of tracked points. Select the point and use the button “Actions” to remove this point from the tracked points or change the order of the tracked points. If you select a route you can reverse the order of points of that route.

Use option “Finish tracking” to stop navigation.

Seeing Assistant Move also allows you to use classic turn-by-turn navigation. It is possible thanks to maps available at Apple or Google. Apple maps are available in every mobile device with iOS. If you want to use Google maps, you can install Google Maps from App Store.

To use turn-by-turn navigation, on displayed list of points (neighborhood, closest points from Open Street Map, favorites, saved) select a desired point and choose “Plan a route” from actions menu. Then you can choose Apple or Google maps. In case of Apple maps, you can hear voice messages from voice synthesizer, in case of Google maps, you can hear voice messages recorded beforehand by lector. In both cases different ways to the same destination will be proposed. After selecting the desired route, choose “Begin” (in the top right-hand corner) in Apple maps, or “Navigate” (in the bottom right-hand corner) in Google to start navigating.

To stop navigating, choose “End” (in the top left-hand corner) in case of Apple maps or “Back” in the bottom left-hand corner in case of Google maps.

Navigation is configured in such a way that it can show pedestrian route for up to 2 km-route. If a route is longer, navigation will default to a car-traffic mode. The difference between them is that pedestrian mode does not comply with the road traffic rules i.e. one-way streets, no-turn signs and the like. Very often pedestrian routes are much shorter than the routes in car-traffic mode.

Screen lock

iOS devices offer an option to lock the screen after some time. Seeing Assistant Move allows for disabling this lock from the application level. This will relieve you from having to unlock screen each time you want to use the application for a longer time.

You can turn on and off screen locking using option “Auto-lock” on the screen “Settings”.

Screen rotation lock

Seeing Assistant Move also allows for disabling automatic screen rotation, regardless of screen rotation system settings. This allows for locking the screen in the selected rotation. Use option “Rotation lock” from “Settings” screen to turn on and off automatic screen rotation.

Pop-up messages

Seeing Assistant Move can inform you about getting closer to the selected location, even when application is in the background. You can get such a notification for all points in the “Favorite points” list.

Choose option “Favorite points” from the screen “Settings” to enable receiving notification every time you are closer than 150m to any of the favorite points. Notification is shown by Notification Center if Seeing Assistant Move is in background.

You need to enable Location Services in the device for this option to work correctly. Go to iOS settings; choose Privacy, then Location Services. Enable Location Services and ensure that Seeing Assistant Move is also enabled as an application that can use Location Services.

Warning: Favorite Points monitoring works only on iPhone 4 and later versions!

Cloud backup

Seeing Assistant Move allows for storing created and gathered data (points, routes) in the virtual cloud. You do not lose your data even if you lose your device or have to restore factory settings. You need to have a Dropbox account to backup data to the cloud.

Choose option “Dropbox” from the Settings screen. You need to connect Seeing Assistant Move to Dropbox using option “Link to Dropbox”. If you have Dropbox account and have registered your device with Dropbox you just need to choose “Allow” in the next screen. Dropbox will create directory SeeingAssistant Move in the directory Dropbox/Apps, and Seeing Assistant Move will enable three additional buttons: “Download database & routes”, “Import text databases”, “Backup data” after you connect Seeing Assistant Move to Dropbox. Select the button “Backup data” to backup your data. From the list of all databases and routes you can choose which ones you want to archive. You can choose all if you tap “Actions” and then “Select all”. After selecting, you can start uploading by choosing “Archive”. Selected databases and routes are sent to Dropbox. It can take some time, depending on the size of the data and speed of your Internet connection.

If you lose your data, you can restore it by using the button “Download database & routes” from menu “Dropbox” on screen “Settings”. Seeing Assistant Move will show a new window with all databases and routes stored in Dropbox. You can select routes and databases you want to restore in that window. If you want to restore everything you can choose action “Select all” and then use the button “Download”.

You need working Internet connection to use cloud backup.

Speech synthesis

Seeing Assistant Move, installed in iOS at least in version 7.0, allows for the use of system speech synthesizer. It means you can use Seeing Assistant Move while minimalized, during voice call, listening to music or audiobook, and also when the screen is locked.

The speech synthesis can be enabled from the “Settings” tab, switching “Speech synthesis” to “turned-on” position. By using “Synthesis volume” scroll bar you can regulate the volume of speech synthesis. Speech synthesis can also be enabled and disabled by voice commands.

Voice commands

Seeing Assistant Move is unique because it allows for steering application using short voice commands. You can check weather, look for a particular point in the database, get to know your neighborhood just by using short voice command. All the names of voice commands are based on buttons’ or options’ names present in the application. For example to find point in database select button “Voice commands” placed in the top right-hand corner, and say “Find bank” after the sound. If the active database contains points with “bank” in their name, those points will be displayed. In the same manner you get the list of all points in “Favorite points” database after you say “Favorite points”. If you say “Weather” you get the current weather information and forecast. You can quickly save your current location when you say “Save point”. Just say “start screen” to return to the starting screen from any screen in the application.

You need working Internet connection to use Voice commands.

List of voice commands

Select “Help” and then “More” tab and use “Voice commands list” to see all available voice commands. You can also choose the button “Voice commands” and say “Voice commands list”. You can navigate through the list of voice commands using groups and headers. All voice commands on that list are grouped; groups are based on functionality of the command.

Sharing points

You can share data with other users of Seeing Assistant Move. You can share both single points and entire routes and databases.

Use option “Saved points” from tab “Points” to share a point. Select the point and use the button “Actions” and option “Send by e-mail”. Seeing Assistant Move will open a new e-mail with a subject, content, and attachment already filled in. You only need to fill in the recipient of the message. Recipient should open the received e-mail on the device where Seeing Assistant Move is installed. There are two ways of how the recipient can open an attachment.

You can double-tap the attachment, then select button “Actions” in the top right-hand corner. You will get the list of applications to open attachment with; select “Open in Move”. Attachment will be saved in Seeing Assistant Move directory.

Second way does not require opening the attachment. Double tap and hold on the attachment. Choose “Open in Seeing Assistant Move” and iOS will save attachment into Seeing Assistant Move directory.

To share databases and routes use your computer. Copy files from Dropbox application directory. Databases are stored in directory Dropbox/Apps/SeeingAssistant-Move/database/, and routes are stored in Dropbox/Apps/SeeingAssistant-Move/route/. Copy any file you want to share and send them to your friend.

The recipient of databases or routes similarly can paste received files to Dropbox directory and download them in Seeing Assistant Move using option “Download databases & routes” in menu “Dropbox” on the screen “Settings”. To avoid data loss we recommend changing the name of received files, so they do not collide with already existing files.

You need working Internet connection to share data.

Units of distance and temperature

You can set the distance units in application to metric or imperial type, using the option “Settings/Distance units”. For metric units the distance is reported in meters and kilometers, and for imperial units in yards and miles.

To set the temperature units to Celsius or Fahrenheit, use the option “Settings/Temperature units”.

User support

User support is a strong point of Seeing Assistant Move. Choose “Help” from the “More” tab and then use option “Feedback” to visit user-support site. You can use the user-support site to provide your suggestions and remarks to Seeing Assistant Move developers; those suggestions can increase application functionality. User-provided suggestions are stored in our knowledge base. All users can comment and vote on suggestions and proposals of other users. In this way Seeing Assistant Move developers can prioritize the work over Seeing Assistant Move, because they are able to see which bugs should be repaired first and which features are important to the users. You can also choose “Send Log” from “Help” screen to send the application log to developers. In this way, they can see what went wrong, find and fix the bugs in the next version. Log files are sent via e-mail from your default account. “Tutorial” option from “Help” screen will display the most recent version of the tutorial. You can use header structure for easy navigation.

Lite version constraints

Seeing Assistant Move in version Lite has some limitations:

  • lack of Dropbox support
  • lack of support for zip, ldb and ckp files
  • inability to import Loadstone control points as route
  • only one database can be active at any given time
  • only one custom route can be created
  • only five points can be created
  • only five points can be added to the Favorite Points
  • only 10 minutes of “monitoring” function a day
  • only 20 voice commands can be used during one day


Seeing Assistant Move uses Internet for many of its functions. Depending on configuration of your device, you may be charged for the Internet connection or data transmission. You need to remember that Seeing Assistant Move uses GPS, Apple location services, OpenStreetMaps and databases imported by the user as the source of location data. GPS’ accuracy is in the range of 15m. You need to use Seeing Assistant Move with care, taking these constraints into consideration. The producer of Seeing Assistant Move does not take any responsibility for additional costs or damages that may be the result of using Seeing Assistant Move or that are caused by its constraints.